
DAY38: Agueda- Coimbra


Woke up at before 5AM. There was an outdoor concert near the hostel which lasted until 11PM. A big noise kept me awake. After that the dormitory was full of snoring and sleep talking.

Happy with a free breakfast. There was a name board on the table.

Just before 6AM I left Agueda. Sunny but highest temperature was 25 degrees. I had to take more rest than usual. It was so cool under the shade.

I mainly followed highway N1. Traffic is a bit busy but I was safe on a wide shoulder.

Sometimes the regular pilgrim route on stone-paved road and gravel road.

Sunny blue sky makes me feel high. Not so hot not so cold. It's the best. I don't have to hurry and I don't have to impose extra duties on me. How wonderful it is to have a true freedom!

After 4pm I checked in at a hotel in Coimbra. The hotel is at the peak of the very very steep hill. And my room was on the top floor of the 3-story building. The main door was not wide enough for my buggy and I had to unfold it.

This is also a big city. The Main Street seems so busy and crowded with people.

*Today's Photos

*YouTube Movies

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