
DAY52: Evora-Reguengos de Monsaraz


The free breakfast at the hostel was at 8am, so I started late.

38km, there are almost no towns or shops, so I just kept running.

In the afternoon, there are only limited shaded areas.

The national highway sometimes has no shoulders, but it is generally easy to run. Mostly flat.

It is nice that passing cars honk their horns to cheer me on.

The buggy is rattling but still OK. I'm sorry for overworking it, but I have been traveling with it as if it were a part of my body, and I intend to keep pushing it until the goal.

A little after 4pm, I checked into a hotel in Reguengos de Monsaraz.

I took a shower, washed my laundry by hand, had dinner, organized the data from the day, and made plans for the next day.

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DAY51: Montemor O Novo-Evora


I left Montemor O Novo at around 7am.

There was almost nothing until Evora 30km away.

About an hour after I started running, thunder started rumbling. I thought it wouldn't rain much, but suddenly it started pouring. Intermittent rain.

A police car stopped in front of me and told me to keep to the left. No matter which country I go to, I often get told off by police (lol).

The roads were 100% paved (thank goodness). They were not too steep or too loose, and had just the right amount of ups and downs.

I arrived at the bike shop in Evora at 1pm, but they had a lunch break until 3pm.

I had no choice but to check in at the hostel first.

After unloading my luggage, I went back to the bike shop.

The owner checked it and found that the problem was indeed with the axle.

He fixed the wobble to some extent, but the rattle couldn't be fixed unless the axle was replaced.

For now, I had no choice but to run as far as I could in this condition.

As always, I am plagued by problems with the buggy.

Is 5,000km really the limit?

At this rate, it's starting to seem doubtful whether I'll be able to reach Barcelona by the end of August.

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DAY50: Pegoes-Montemor O Novo


I set off just after 6:30 in the morning. I just prayed that the buggy would hold up.

Followed only the N4 route. No more scree climbs.

The wheels were shaking a lot, but it would be fine on paved roads.

I've been through a lot of hell so far, but everything will be resolved in the end.

I'm risking my life and my future, so God would never do anything bad to me. I'll believe that.

I couldn't find a place to stay online, but I managed to check into Maria Gertudes Abrantes guesthouse in Montemor O Novo on a whim.

If you think positively, good things will surely happen.


DAY49: Montijo-Pegoes


At 6:20 in the morning, I left the guesthouse in Montijo. I ran all the way east on the N4. It was a flat road through pastureland. To put it bluntly, it was monotonous. After leaving Montijo, there were a few small cafes and gas stations.

Soon after, I noticed a strange rattling noise in the rear wheel. I tightened a loose spoke, but the wheel started to shake violently. I thought maybe there was a problem with the axle.

I ran cautiously, occasionally tightening the spokes. I knew I had to get a professional to look at it.

There was no bike shop in Pegoes, but the next town, 15km away, was open until 7:30pm. However, it was closed tomorrow because it was Sunday.

I arrived in front of the hostel in Pegoes around 2pm and thought about what to do, but I decided to try my best to ride to Evora, about 60km away. There seemed to be a few bike shops. There were no accommodations in the area tomorrow. I had to prepare to sleep outside.

I think I've said in the past that the buggy is a part of my body, and when the buggy is not in good condition, my own mental state is also a little down, and when I am not in good condition, it becomes difficult for the buggy to run the way I want it to. This is truly what it means to be one and the same. There may be some cause that is not visible on the surface.

The owner arrived 20 minutes late, even though it was supposed to be 4pm. He explained the room and price even though it was already booked because he didn't speak English, but we somehow managed to understand using translation software.

When you're tired, you often get even more tired (laughs).

It's times like these that you need to be generous and tolerant.

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DAY48: Lisbon-Montijo


Day 48: Santiago from Argentina is a musician and architect.

He brought his trombone with him. He played some songs for me in the dormitory in the morning.

He was interested in PEACE RUN and asked me to visit him if I ever come to Argentina.

Today was the last day of my Altra Lone Peak(Trail Running Shoes), which I had run 1600 km on.

I'll run the remaining 1500 km to Barcelona on my new Altra Torin.

I left Terrace Hostel Lisbon around 10am.

It was about 6km to the ferry terminal.

I arrived at Montijo in about 30 minutes on the 12:30 ferry, but check-in was after 4pm.

I killed some time at the ferry terminal.

After that, I moved a little over 3km to the guesthouse in Montijo so that I would be there in time for 4pm.

The Brazilian owner welcomed me.

Just 10km today but tomorrow I'll be back on the heated road again. 

First, I'll head to Seville within 10 days.

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DAY47: Sintra-Cape Roca-Lisbon


I left the hostel in Sintra at 7am. I followed the hiking route to Cabo da Roca.

The scree slopes reminded me of the Pyrenees again. The road for cars wasn't too steep, but the walking route was very steep.

It was so cold at Cabo da Roca with gusts of wind and drizzle. 

Visibility was gray. The temperature felt lower the more I stayed still. The shops were closed and I couldn't buy a certificate for reaching the westernmost point of the Eurasian continent.

I took a route down along the coast heading south, but while I was okay with being pushed by gusts of wind, there was also the risk of a crosswind blowing the buggy into the valley, so I braked cautiously as we went down.

When I reached the road facing the sea, the fog cleared and the blue sky spread out.

The temperature in Lisbon hadn't risen much either.

I ran 46.9km and arrived at the hostel in Lisbon just after 5pm. So exhausted.

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DAY46: Lisbon-Sintra


I left at 7am without having a free breakfast. 

The temperature was forecast to rise to 36 degrees, but with the wind it wasn't that hot. 

However, it was still tough to ride in the sun on the slope. 

Sintra is on high ground and the descent is steep. 

Many cars passed me on the winding road. 

I could see smoke from the forest fires in the distance. 

There are many roads with heavy traffic, and I always get scared on the bypass. 

There were some rough roads, but I reached the goal at 4:30pm at Oasis Surf Hostel in Sintra. 42.2km. 

About 7km to Cabo da Roca. 

Tomorrow, I will return to Lisbon from Cabo da Roca via the southern route.


DAY45: DayOff@Lisbon


It's my first day off in a week since Porto.

I wandered around the city in the cool morning, but the sun was getting quite strong by 9am, so I did some shopping and came back.

Luckily it was cool in the shade. It would be crazy to run in the afternoon when it is over 35 degrees.

The dormitory also had no air conditioning, only a fan. When I closed the curtains on the bed, it felt like a sauna.

Tomorrow I'm heading towards Sintra. I think I'll arrive at Cabo da Roca the morning after tomorrow.

There seems to be a forest fire near Sintra, but I can't find any information on the Internet.

Of course, the heat has a big impact on travel.

It's important to take care of my health. If I push myself too hard and get tired, it could lead to bad things.

The hostel is generous with a free dinner tonight. I've never had a service like that before.


DAY44: Villa Franca de Xira-Lisbon


In the morning, after a hearty free breakfast, I set off at 6:45.

I followed the boring national highway N10. The shoulders were narrow and the traffic was heavy, making it a stressful road.

A bicycle lane appeared halfway through, and I headed towards the promenade along the Tejo River. The sun was strong, but there was no shade. I had to rest at shelters from time to time. It was a tough road to ride for long periods of time.

Once I entered the city, the sidewalks were full of people. Urban roads were tough, as expected.

After 3pm, I had ridden 36.1km and checked into a hostel in the city.

I took a shower, did some laundry, and went shopping. Tomorrow is my first day off in a week, since Porto.

There was a fan on inside, but it was still hot.

On the 44th day since Biarritz, I had covered over 1500km. I had completed half of the Iberian Peninsula.

This also marks the end of the Portuguese Way to Santiago.

After this, I will visit Cape Roca and continue southward bound.

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DAY43: Santarem-Villa Franca de Xira


Started at 6am. Had breakfast at a convenient spot after starting.

Shockingly, I noticed that my small yellow PEACE RUN flag was missing at Continente supermarket in Cartaxo, about 12km from the start.

I didn't have the energy to go back and get it. I decided to let it go as it had served its purpose.

People and things that we have lost will come back to us in a different time, place and form... I believe so.

If I say it's hot when the temperature is around 30 degrees, what will I do if it gets over 40 degrees?

I told myself. But I found shade and rested whenever I could.

It's not that I get worn out by the repetition of monotony, but as long as I have the conflict of how to accept things that I don't want to accept, things won't go smoothly.

Checked in at the hostel in Vila Franca de Xira at 4:30pm.

I was so grateful that I was able to finish today's run safely again today!

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DAY42: Golega-Santarem


This morning, I met a young American guy from Louisiana in the kitchen of the guesthouse, who said he had left Lisbon a week before. It's nice to meet other travelers, even though I don't meet many people.

When I looked at my buggy as I was about to leave in the morning, I saw that the right rear tire was flat. There were two thorns from a plant stuck in it. It was a small hole.

Because of this, I started 30 minutes late at around 6:30. Today it was 30 kilometers to Santarem.

I took a break after running 10 kilometers. The area around Golegã is a grain-producing region with vast corn fields. It's almost a flat area with no hills.

I occasionally passed some pilgrims. I took a break in the town of Saldanha.

A strange phenomenon where the road indicated by Google Maps was not there. I was guided to a farm road, and while the "research route" button kept going round and round, I was forced to run around a vast tomato field for about 40 minutes. I was almost stuck in the Bermuda Devil's Triangle.

This sometimes happens on the continent, and the cause is unknown.

I was happy that there were no hills today, but at the end there was a heart-breaking hill just before entering Santarem...

I entered the town of Santarem at 2pm, but killed time until 3pm, when it was time to check into the hostel. The heat had eased somewhat. I wonder if a heatwave will hit this area next week.

Due to a Google Maps monster, I took a detour of about 5km.

I am so grateful and moved that I was able to finish another day's run safely!


DAY41: Areias-Golega


I went outside just before 5am and saw a sky full of stars. 

The sun sets around 9pm here.

As I usually go to bed about this time, this is the first time I've seen the night sky.

It was over 30 degrees again today. 

44km to Golega. I'll run as hard as possible in the morning to cover more distance.

At 6am, the owner and his wife came to see me off. 

They gave me dried figs as a souvenir. I was grateful because they had just run out.

The Estonian couple were very kind. The whole family welcomed me when I arrived. This guesthouse makes me want to visit again.

32km in the morning, the heat is not too bad yet.

However, there is no place to rest if you follow National Route N110 all the way. I have no choice but to bring out my own folding chair and took a lunch break on the roadside.

There are a lot of gentle slopes today. My neck, shoulders, back and waist are very stiff. I want to take a bath in a bathtub.

By 2pm I had covered over 40km. Just before 3PM I finished at the guesthouse in Golega. 

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DAY40: Alvorge-Areias


Started at 6am.

Yesterday there was no big town, so I couldn't get food at the supermarket.

This morning, I finally found the Intermarche in the town of Ansian. 

I popped in at 8:30am, right after it opened.

The temperature rose up to 30 degrees this afternoon, so I brought plenty of water.

Because of heat I would lose my appetite as I drank too much water.

I was happy to take a rest in the shade of the trees. Once I was in the shade, it was hard to get out.

I entered the trail and there were some scree areas. The steep gravel road almost made me slip with the buggy.

I went up to an altitude of over 400m, then went down again. 

You can tell you have crossed the mountain by looking back.

Around 3pm I entered the town of Areias.

There was only one supermarket open, so I did some more shopping.

The guesthouse I stay tonight was opened by an Estonian family a few months ago.

The wife was particular about organic products, herbs, and aromas. 

There was a pool in the large garden. There was also a farm.

Lisbon is getting closer but the summer heat will keep me slow.

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DAY39: Coimbra-Alvorge


Late start at 7:15.

Crossed the Santa Clara Bridge over Rio Mondega.

Started climbing steep hills which lasted over 2km to the top.

My heart kept beating so fast.

After that, I entered National Highway but the traffic was too heavy and I got out of it soon.

I Chose a quiet local route. Wherever I go, hills after hills in Spain and Portugal!

Sand and a small stone came into my shoes many times on gravel road.

Sometimes the trail got bumpy and rocky.

With no conversation, I kept silent running on the trail. It makes me feel blue. This is not what ordinary 60 year-old man do, I guess.

30.5km till I got to Alvorge. There's only one cafe and guesthouse in Vale Florido. Both are run by the same owner.

There were no supermarkets along the way.

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DAY38: Agueda- Coimbra


Woke up at before 5AM. There was an outdoor concert near the hostel which lasted until 11PM. A big noise kept me awake. After that the dormitory was full of snoring and sleep talking.

Happy with a free breakfast. There was a name board on the table.

Just before 6AM I left Agueda. Sunny but highest temperature was 25 degrees. I had to take more rest than usual. It was so cool under the shade.

I mainly followed highway N1. Traffic is a bit busy but I was safe on a wide shoulder.

Sometimes the regular pilgrim route on stone-paved road and gravel road.

Sunny blue sky makes me feel high. Not so hot not so cold. It's the best. I don't have to hurry and I don't have to impose extra duties on me. How wonderful it is to have a true freedom!

After 4pm I checked in at a hotel in Coimbra. The hotel is at the peak of the very very steep hill. And my room was on the top floor of the 3-story building. The main door was not wide enough for my buggy and I had to unfold it.

This is also a big city. The Main Street seems so busy and crowded with people.

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DAY37: San Joan da Madeira-Agueda


Left hotel at 6AM. Had a rainstorm at dawn but when I opened the door, it had already stopped.  

16-26 degrees. When it's sunny, it's hot but it's cool under the shade.

Ran along highway N1. The shoulders were wide enough but it was kind of boring with no views. 

I stopped by at small towns along the way.

It was big fun for me to stop by at local supermarkets. Just looking around local food that I have never seen in Japan.

I can kill 2 or 3 hours at supermarkets.

Before 3pm I checked in at a hostel in Agueda just beside the Umbrella Street.

Took a shower and washed clothes with washing machine.

Took a walk along the Umbrella Street. It made me feel high under those colorful umbrellas.


DAY36: Porto-San Joan da Madeira


Left Porto at 6:15. 13-23 degrees, a bit chilly.

It seems the power switch of my Garmin GPS isn't good. I've been using it for 13 years. The role will be over after this journey. 

Crossed the Ponte Luis, quite big bridge.

 No steep hills today. Passed some small towns and reached San Joan da Madeira after running 34km.

80 percents paved road, the rest was stone-paved road and gravel road.

 Not so many pilgrims were not seen today.

There are very few chances to talk to people but it may be the time to concentrate myself on running of my own.

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DAY35: DayOff @Porto


Day off in Porto. Took a walk around the city with no map and Google map. The place I visited happened to be a famous place. There are no particular place I want to see but I can never forget stop by at supermarket to get food. That's the favorite time for me.

At lunch time at hostel, I met up with Peter from Hungary. He's 19 years and wants to be a photographer. We talked a lot especially about travel. He's young, young enough to have many possibilities. I envy him but I believe that 63 year-old adventure runner also have possibilities in the future.

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DAY34: Moreira-Porto


Left Moreira at 8AM. It's just 12km to Porto.

As I got closer to Porto, there were more sidewalks. But traffic became busier and more people on the sidewalks. In fact I was not able to run.

Traffic jam on the intersection. City center was quite busy.

Porto is No.2 city in Portugal, next to Lisbon the capital.

Many people from all over the world visit Porto. 

Today temperature rose up to 25 degrees. This was the first sunshine and blue sky I've seen for the first time since I entered Portugal.

Tomorrow I'll take a day off. So many things to do but first I need to take a rest. And then I'll head to Lisbon.

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DAY33: Barcelos-Moreira


Left Barcelos at 6, just before the sunrise.

Foggy weather soon it became scattered rain.

Today I followed the regular Camino route. The paved road is narrow with no shoulders. Even if there's a sidewalk, it's not wide enough for my buggy.

When I ran on the highway, there was a kind of traffic jam behind me.

Local highway doesn't seem to welcome me.

On the forest trail, then stone-paved road. When it's wet, I got to be careful not to slip down.

Wet weather but in the afternoon, the sun showed up sometimes.

I'm glad it's not so hot.

I met up with some pilgrims but not so many as I've seen on French route.

I guess some people walk along the coast.

At 2pm I checked in at a hostel in Moreira. Today I ran 37.9km.

Tomorrow I head to Porto and take a day off.

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DAY32: Ponte de Lima-Barcelos


Owing to time zone's changing, I started 6:30 earlier than usual.

Followed the regular route of the Camino partly but mainly on paved highway. No shoulders and trucks and bus scared me sometimes.

Rained on and off. Needed rain jacket. Sun showed up in the afternoon. Temperature is 20 degrees. When the sun shines it's hot.

Before 3, I finished to check in at a hotel in Barcelos.

Single room tonight too.

And washed clothes with washing machine for the first time in a while (not by handwashing).

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DAY31: Tui-Ponte de Lima


DAY31. Left Tui at 7am. Soon I crossed the Minho River, then I entered Portugal.

It was cloudy early in the morning but it started raining as soon as I entered Portugal.

There were some steep hills with rocks and bumps. The road is basically unpaved mountain road, although it is partially paved by stone.

I don't care about any rugged road because I've experienced the Pyrenees.

Only stone-paved trails were so slippery that I wasn't able to run.

Highway is okay with low grades but unpaved roads are sometimes higher than 15 percent(sometimes 20 percent).

At 4:30pm, I arrived at the hotel in Pote de Lima.

Today I'm staying at single room.

Wet weather. I got soaked into my shoes.

Because of rain, I didn't see so many pilgrims.

Portugal welcomes me with rain...

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DAY30 Pontevedra-Tui


Day30. Left Pontevedra at 7am just before the sunrise.

I followed a highway and the regular route for the Camino.

I had a quite steep hill and head winds were blowing sometimes.

I kept saying "Hola! Buen Camino!" to the pilgrims who were coming this way.

I usually run downhill but I cannot run today because I'm kind of tired.

It's been one month since I started this journey. It's getting kind of boring.

I need to reset and refresh myself each and every day.


DAY29: Faramello-Pontevedra


Day29, Started at 7am.

Followed both paved highway and gravel Camino route.

No more steep hills.

Temperature from 9 to 28 degrees. I cannot tell which season I'm in.

I was busy with greeting "Hola! Buen Camino!" To pilgrims who had come from the other way.

Some of them replied me but some ignored.

But I keep on greeting.

At 4pm, I checked in at alberugue in Pontevedra.

I saw Tour de France at community kitchen.

Tomorrow is another day. No mistakes in it...

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DAY28: Santiago de Compostela-Faramello


Day28, checked out before 9am and headed to the Cathedral again.

It's nice to see people come and go before the Cathedral.

It is the most peaceful moment for me to see people make a smile.

Where there's a smile, it's a peaceful place. No need to fight.

What's most important is that we can share a happy time and place.

After 2pm, I left the Cathedral and headed to south.

At 4:30pm I arrived at Albergue in Faramello which is 12km from the Cathedral.

I wanted to stay one more night in Santiago de Compostel but I couldn't find a place to stay.

From here my journey will still last till I get to Barcelona.

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DAY27: DayOff @ Santiago de Compostella


Enjoying a dayoff for the first time in 25 days.

Went to a bike shop to have a brake of my buggy checked.

It's kind of dangerous if the brakes were unconditioned especially on downhills.

After that I visited the Cathedral again. I met up with some people whom I had met along the way.

Many groups come and go. Especially young people were so excited with joy! Some dance, some shout and some sing.

It seems as if I was watching the World Cup soccer games!

Or it is just like the goal scene of marathon races.

I moved to today's hostel at 1pm. Finished shower and laundry then walked around the city.

Without buggy, my body is too light. It was a surprise that my buggy has already been a part of my body.

I'm not interested in sightseeing. This is a long journey. There'll be so many things to see along the way.

Tomorrow I'll visit the Cathedral to see some friends. Then I'll be back on the road again.

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DAY26: Arzua-Santiago de Compostella


Day 24 on Camino de Santiago.

Left Arzua at 6:30AM.

Many group pilgrims were seen today too.

On narrow trails were sometimes traffic jam.

I escaped regular route and then got into bike route.

No more flat roads, always hill after hill.

I like quiet road in the small village or grazing area.

About 3km before the goal was Monte do Gozo(Hill of Joy).

From the top of the hill, we can see the city of Santiago de Compostella.

Last 2km, sidewalk was full of tourists as well as pilgrims. I couldn't go on smoothly.

The Cathedral was seen close but I didn't know how to get there,

 Narrow street was busy with tourists or pilgrims who had already finished.

Sometimes stairs showed up and I had to take detour.

After all, at 3:45, I arrived at the Cathedral!

It's over and done...That's what I thought.

850km from Saint Jean Pied de Port, for 24 days in a row...was it long? No, when it's over, I felt as if it was yesterday that I left Saint Jean Pied de Port.

Some of the groups shouted or sang with joy. They might have been short walkers from Sarria.

Those who had walked from Saint Jean Pied de Port seemed quiet.

Yes, it's over and done. And at the same time I felt lonely because I couldn't see yellow arrows which led me to the goal.

But I have to keep running to the next goal, running around Iberia Peninsula via Lisbon, Portugal to Barcelona. Maybe 2000km or more.

Just for a while, I'm going to take a rest for the next start.

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DAY25: Ligonde-Aruzua

Left Ligonde at 7:30.

At dinning table in the morning, I saw message cards for each pilgrims who stayed here last night. It was impressive. 

A guy from Nez Zealand asked me to show up on his pod cast. I said yes.

It was a misty morning. I couldn't see even 500m away.

There was no tough and hard hill today. And many young people who started walking from Sarria.

At 3:30pm I finished at Albergue in Arzua.

Just 40km to the goal Santiago de Comostella.

I'm planning to finish tomorrow afternoon.

At the last 5km point I climb at the hill of joy. I can see the goal out there.

I've been moving for 23 days in a row. I don't know how I feel when I finish. But it may be the time to take a rest after the goal.

I guess I need a couple of days for resting.

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DAY24: Sarria-Ligonde

Left Sarria at 6:30 just before the sunrise.

Most pilgrims left early. School hikers were all together in front of the albergue.

There were so many ups and downs today. Not so hard but just before Portomarin, I came across the valley, I should call it Petit-Canyon.

Very narrow steep trail with dangeraous gaps. Too narrow for my buggy to go through.

I should have followed a bike route but it was too late.

Some pilgrims helped me to carry my buggy. If I had been alone, I couldn't have done anything.

After that I kept running about 10km. I finished in Ligonde. 37.1km today.

The arbergue was a cozy place and run by volunteer staffs.

We saw a movie "I'll Push You" which was about Camino de Santiago. A guy pushes a wheelchair for his friend to travel on Camino de Santiago.

Tha't almost what I'm doing now! It was so impressive!

Then we enjoyed a community dinner with some staffs and 10 pilgrims together. Good time for conversation. And we played a game. A host gave a question as for Camino and we choose one from several picture cards and shared how we felt about it.

I am the one who is a bit different from other pilgrims because I push my buggy. That's why I became famous all of a sudden.

After that I was too busy with daily routine on social media.

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DAY23: Triacastela-Sarria

Day 21 on Camino de Santiago.

At 7:20AM I left Triacastela.

Hill climbing is never over. Followed a bike route to Sarria.

Bought some food and drinks at supermarket.

After running 7.5km north from Sarria, I noticed I had made a big mistake.

The hotel I booked last night is in Lugo. Lugo is far away from the regular route of Camino de Santiago.

It was my fault! I canceled the hotel via online.

And I turned back to Sarria. I ran about 15km unnecessarily.

Checked in at Albergue in Sarria. 

This is just 20km from where I started this morning but I ran 34.6km. I don't want to think it waste of time. It has also reason.

God may be telling me to take a rest here in Sarria.

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DAY22: Las Herrerias-Triacastela

Day 20 on Camino de Santiago.

At 7:20AM I left Las Herrerias.

Took 1 hour to Lafaba. Then I followed walk route. Gravel road and rocky route.

Once I slipped down, I might have pulled down to the end of the road.

From Lalaguna I followed bike route.

It took me almost 3 hours to reach Cebureiro Pass(1300m). Entered Galicia State out there.

After that I passed Alto do poio Pass(1335m).

I have taken a wrong route on the way.

4km course loss. All of a sudden, I hit on a dead end. It was the entrance of a quarry.

I turned back to the branch point. And I kept going downhill 10km to Triacastela.

It was a hill climb festa today!

After running 42.2km, I reached Albergue at the end of the town.

It's an Alberugue for vegans.

There were only two guest here, me and German guy.

Enjoyed vegan dinner together.

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