

Yesterday I happened to meet Raj, from Tucson, Arizona, visited Osaka.

He once cycled from Tokyo to Nagasaki 34 years ago under the project named PEACE RIDE.

His bike trek covered about 20,000km in some countries in Asia in 1981 to 1982.
Again he's going to follow the same road to raise awareness of WORLD PEACE.

I was surprised he had met Mr.Deguchi, executive director of JACC or Japan Adventure Cyclist Club in 1982.

Once he got sick and was in peril of losing his life but he survived.

He decided to try another trek this time. That's what he's now planning for the first time in 34 years.

As I am Adventure Runner who is running PEACE RUN, I would like to do anything I can do for his PEACE RIDE.

And I'd like you folks who live between Tokyo and Nagasaki, especially along his route, to support him and his PEACE RIDE in many ways.

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