
DAY76: Barcelona-Paris-Kansai Airport


Spending the night at Barcelona Airport.

Dozing on a bench, I waited at the gate for 5 hours and half.

Air France AF1449 departed Barcelona at 6:10am as scheduled.


Farewell, Barcelona! Farewell, Spain! Until next time!!

And then, about an hour and a half later, I arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. I had to wait there for 5 hours.


And then, at 1:20pm, AF292 finally departed from Paris to Japan.

Farewell, Eurasia! Thank you for all the memories!

I don't know when or where I'll be next, but I'll definitely come back!


My luggage was returned to me without being lost.

The wait at the airport was long, and I hardly slept in the 13 hours from Paris to Kansai Airport, watching 5 movies.


Piapi, my wife greeted me with a smile at the gate at 9:30 a.m.

I'd been messaging her online and talking to her on video calls every day, but it was still nice to see her again in real life.

I was lucky to have come back alive, and that alone made me so happy.

Around 11 am, on the way back, I ate eel at a Japanese restaurant. 

The food in Spain was so expensive that everything felt cheap here.

And the food in Japan was delicious, as expected. I ate a good meal on the plane, so I didn't eat anything after that.

I returned to my town, my house, and my three kitties after 80 days.

I was close to tears. Everything looked fresh in my hometown of Tondabayashi and my home, Pingpong Terrace.

Just 80 days felt like almost a year.

I took a shower.

The trip came to an end, and my everyday life began again. 

I was finally back in the reality that I had dreamed of so much when I was nearly lost in the Andalucian mountains.

I was glad to be alive. I was so grateful and moved by everything!!

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DAY75: Barcelona Airport


Day 75, the morning of the seventh day in Barcelona. 

Checked out of the hostel and took a taxi to the airport.

The plane leaves for Paris at 6:10am tomorrow.

And I have to wait in transit for 5 hours.

Arrive at Kansai Airport at 9:30am on the 24th. It's a long, long journey.


Checked in my luggage early.

My buggy and bag will be sent directly to Kansai Airport, but I don't want to be the victim of lost baggage.


The airport is where you can really feel the hyper-weak yen, with hamburgers and sandwiches all costing over 1000 Japanese yen.

Walking around because my butt hurts when I sit. 

There's a fool here who walks 20,000 steps in the airport...

Patience is tested, just waiting at the airport is wait training.

18 hours in Barcelona, ​​5 hours in Paris, the waiting time is longer than the time spent on the plane... lol

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DAY74: Barcelona 6


Day 74, my last day in Barcelona. Those days of constantly traveling every day are long gone.

I don't know when I'll be traveling again, but I hope I can make good use of this experience in the future.

Rather than making up for what I'm missing, the challenge is to make the most of what I have now.

I spent two full weeks relaxing in Seville and Barcelona.

I could have run 500-700km in two weeks.

But even during the time I wasn't running, I had plenty of time to think about various things.

There are many things I should and want to do after returning to Japan, but first I have to overcome my Urashima Taro syndrome.

Urashima Taro syndrome is different from jet lag.

Urashima Taro is a main character of Japanese old fairy tales.

It takes quite a while to end my trip and return to the real world.

Urashima Taro returns from Ryugu-jo Castle and realizes that he is in a different world than he thought.

The moment he opens the treasure box(Tamatebako) given to him by Princess Otohime, he ages all at once.

The actual time I spent in Ryugu-jo Castle may have lasted for decades.

Time flies when you're having fun. It's a time that cannot be measured by physical senses.

Because I've experienced this many times before, I need to adapt to reality without opening the Pandora's box.

Tomorrow, I check out of the hostel and head to Barcelona Airport. The plane takes off early on the 23rd.

There's a five-hour wait in Paris for a transit, and then on to Kansai Airport.

I can finally return to my homeland.

When I was nearly lost in the mountains of Andalusia, I thought of my hometown over and over again.

I'm so, so glad to be alive!!

It's important to remember that experience from time to time and reflect on my own strength.

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DAY73: Barcelona5


I wonder if it's getting more autumnal every day. I don't run here anymore, but I feel relieved just knowing that the maximum temperature doesn't exceed 30 degrees.

The morning temperature is 21 degrees. I don't need air conditioning in the morning or evening anymore. I want a hot drink rather than a cold one.

In the morning, I took a walk around the hostel and went shopping.

I'll leave the country after one night tomorrow.

However, I'll spend the night at Barcelona Airport on the 22nd, and fly from Barcelona to Paris early in the morning on the 23rd.

I'll wait in Paris for 5 hours. That's a long time to spend at the airport.

It takes 19 hours from Paris to Osaka Kansai Airport.

I spend most of the day in the hostel lounge.

Many guests come and go every day.

I sometimes talk to them, but there are very few Asian people.

I work hard to organize my travel data and records.

As an analog-oriented person, I make videos that are just like a memory album.

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DAY72: Barcelona4


In the morning, I put on my  one-tooth geta and went out into town for the first time in a while.

I ran in the park along the coast.

A feeling I had almost forgotten was revived.

I felt like climbing Mt. Kongo in my one-tooth geta.

Autumn is approaching in Barcelona, ​​as the number of days with maximum temperatures below 30°C is increasing.

The sun doesn't feel very strong.

Having experienced that heat inland, it is really comfortable now.

But I spent most of my time relaxing in the hostel.

My main outing is shopping.

I cooked a simple home-cooked meal again today. I think I'll be regaining the weight I've lost soon.

Four more days until I leave the country. I can't wait to get back to my homeland.



DAY71: Barcelona3

Day 71 is cloudy, and a rare day with the temperature not exceeding 30°C.

It looks like it might rain.

I work on editing the e-mail newsletter and organizing travel data and records.

I make it a rule not to do much sightseeing, even when I visit tourist spots.

I do when I want to, but I try not to get into the crowds.

I end the day by wandering around town a bit, doing some shopping, and making a simple meal (photo below: top is dinner, bottom is lunch).


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DAY70: Barcelona2


I slept well last night because I couldn't sleep well after staying up all night at the airport on the night before.

In the morning, I walked around the beach.

Barcelona is also a city that has hosted the Olympics in the past, so there are a lot of runners.

I saw young people practicing beach volleyball on the beach.

I think that one thing that can be said in common in various cities around the world is that many health-conscious people get up early and do something good for their health.

Of course, it's not just running, but there are also many people who are dedicated to walking and cycling.

Some young people in the same dormitory at the hostel went out at night and slept until the afternoon... (lol).

Around noon, I walked about 3 kilometers from the hostel to Plaza Catalunya.

I was supposed to meet up with the Kawazoe family, who had come to Barcelona at the same time.

In the afternoon, I spoke in Japanese with people I hadn't seen in a while.

I was grateful and moved to have returned alive!

I was treated to seafood paella.


This was the third time I ate rice on this trip. It's been a long time since I ate at a restaurant.

I usually cook for myself, so I've only been to restaurants a few times.

Mr. Kawazoe is a travel expert who has traveled to nearly 200 countries around the world.

This time, they went on a family trip to Spain, Portugal, and Africa.

We've been friends since Takabo, their son was born, and he's already 10 years old. Time flies.

We'll meet again in Osaka after I return to Japan.

Walking around Barcelona. I'm more attracted to the back alleys and ordinary cityscapes than the crowded tourist spots.

About a week left until I return home. To be honest, I miss Japan. 

It's DAY 70 today, but I feel like I've been traveling for about half a year.

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